©Isabel Ortiz Carvajal
As if my love was blind
This performance is a one-on-one encounter, while walking for 20 minutes, in a public space. It was created for the opening of my residency at NAVE (Chili), in October 2017. During this residency, I researched how to discover and walk through the neighbourhood of Yungay and the city of Santiago, using some choreographic premises to produce an altered state of perception. What happens to your body when you walk without knowing where you are going? How does love affect your perception and your capacity of making decisions?
In this performance, the audience is invited to navigate reality from the experience of difference and to participate in micro-processes of negotiation and intimacy, in a public space.
The project Chego sempre atrasada aos funerais importantes is an investigation around the narrative of the lonely hero in the journey of love that originated three different works: the performance Chego sempre atrasada aos funerais importantes (Teatro Maria Matos, Lisbon, 2018); the film with the same title (Festival Temps d’Images, Lisbon, 2017) and the walk As if my love was blind (Nave, Chile, 2017).
Presented at NAVE, Santiago de Chile, October 2017.
Created by: Catarina Vieira
Production: Vertigo – Associação Cultural
Co-Production: Teatro Maria Matos, DAS – Graduate School
Production: Vertigo – Associação Cultural
Co-Production: Teatro Maria Matos, DAS – Graduate School
Support: Festival Temps d’Images/Duplacena;OPART/Companhia Nacional de Bailado; Polo Cultural | Gaivotas Boavista/CML;
Funding: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Bolsa de Especialização e Valorização Profissional em Artes no Estrangeiro)
Funding: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Bolsa de Especialização e Valorização Profissional em Artes no Estrangeiro)

©Isabel Ortiz Carvajal
©Isabel Ortiz Carvajal

©Isabel Ortiz Carvajal

©Isabel Ortiz Carvajal