©Bruno Simão


by Catarina Vieira and Solange Freitas

Temporária is a diptych consisting of two different objects, a video installation (The bit of cake you offer me / I will not be satisfied) and a theatre piece (Cookies and Cream), which share the theme of the relationship between the individual and her work.
The video installation, directed by Carlos Conceição, focuses on the problem of the (in)visibiblity of the individual in the city and how this in(visibility) is affected by the tasks she has to perform. The video installation is composed of two different screens - in the first, a woman is cleaning a theatre; in the second we meet two fictional workers and a tyrannical diva (played by the famous Portuguese singer Simone de Oliveira) who lives in the theatre's attic.
The theatre piece Cookies and Cream is a research on the condition of being temporary as the ontological condition of our times. How can we continue living, now that we lost ‘Forever’?

The bit of cake you offer me / I will not be satisfied

Cookies and Cream

Presented at Festival Temps d’Images (Lisbon), in 2010.

Artistic Direction: Catarina Vieira and Solange Freitas
Co-creation and text: Catarina Vieira, Solange Freitas, Wagner Borges
Performers: Catarina Vieira, Bruno Huca, Solange Freitas, Wagner Borges
Direction (Video): Carlos Conceição
Performers (Video): Catarina Vieira, Simone de Oliveira, Solange Freitas

Artistic Collaboration: John Romão
Light Design: Daniel Worm de Assumpção
Sound Design: Tiago Cerqueira
Production: Vertigo – Associação Cultural
Co-production:Festival Temps d’Images, DuplaCena, CCB, Colectivo 84, Penetrarte, Black Maria, Terratreme
Support: ZDB, Teatro da Trindade, G.R.E.S. A Rainha

©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão