© Joana Linda


Encounters, open to the community, to share practices of different performing arts, that have the body as the primary vehicle of expression and that propose dealing with the with world from the body and its multiple dimensions. Matéria is an open studio that proposes thinking together as an embodied process.
Once a month, two artists come together, for 4 hours, to dance and think with whoever wants to join.

Matéria’s first edition happened between January 2019 and July 2020, in a total of 15 encounters, that circulated around 9 different spaces of Lisbon. 

The second edition will involve 10 different artists, in a total of 10 encounters, between October 2023 and July 2024.

Open: to all people, with or without training in performing arts, of all genders, nationalities, professions, religions, occupations, ethnic origins, with or without disabilities.

Sign in: office@catarinavieira.net

Practical information: Free entrance. Bring comfortable clothes for movement.
Co-curation - Catarina Vieira, Josefa Pereira, Henrique Furtado Vieira and guest artists
Sound Design: Artur Moura
Finantial Support: República Portuguesa - Cultura I DGARTES – Direção-Geral das Artes
Support: Centro Cultural da Malaposta; Biblioteca de Lisboa / CML; Quinta Alegre / CML; Espaço da Penha/ O Rumo do Fumo

2 dedos de Matéria

Podcast that proliferates from each encounter of Matéria. An autonomous object to document and reflect about artistic practices, urgencies, encounters and all the other questions that this project mobilizes. 

2nd edition (2023 - 2024)

1st edition (2019 - 2020)