©Bruno Simão

Fora de Jogo

by Catarina Vieira and Solange Freitas

This piece was created when the crisis arrived severely in Portugal. It was a reflecttion on the mechanisms that link Desire and Power structures. This crisis was such a present and tangible limit to every single person’s desire to grow, to dream, to wish for a future, that we felt we had to work and investigate the mechanisms behind this dynamic. The main questions triggering our research were: How long can you hold your desire, without letting it fade away? What can we desire today? Can we desire to act? Can we act? And we need to be many or few? What measures we adopt when the desire becomes too urgent and extreme?

Presented at Festival Temps d’Images (Lisbon), in 2011.

Artistic direction and creation: Catarina Vieira and Solange Freitas
Text: Catarina Vieira, Cláudia Lucas Chéu, Solange Freitas, Rodrigo García
Performers: Bruno Huca, Catarina Vieira, Dina Cereja, Filipe Tavares, Margarida Barata, Margarida Bento, Marta Vieira, Solange Freitas, Tiago Cadete, Sara Chéu, Wagner Borges
Performers (Video): Bruno Huca, Catarina Vieira, Dina Cereja, Érica Santos, Estêvão Antunes, Jorge Elias, Leonor Cabral, Melanie Rosalino, Margarida Bento, Rui Neto, Solange Freitas, Wagner Borges, Tiago Cadete
Video (Direction and Editing): Carlos Conceição
Light Design: John Romão
Sound Design: Tiago Cerqueira
Production: Vertigo – Associação Cultural
Co-production: Festival Temps d’Images, Duplacena, Eira 33
Funding: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Programa Artes Performativas / Novos Encenadores)

©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão
©Bruno Simão